November 13, 2013

I'ts Like Riding a Bike....

Well is has been quite some time since I blogged...but it's like riding a bike...right??  If you ask Ella Mae these days she would say that riding a bike is pretty darn easy.  She went from training wheels to balance bike to taking off on a regular bike in 10.2 seconds flat it seemed.  I have a feeling that will be the story of her life.  The minute she got on the bike with no training wheels Tim was running after her trying to make sure she didn't fall (what a good daddy) and he couldn't even keep up!  She was swatting at him like a fly at a picnic trying to get him to leave her alone on her new adventure....

  Sigh...our little lady has crept yet a little further into independence.  and she has taken the culde with her!  Since she started riding without training wheels three other friends in the culde-sac have joined in on the fun...shedding their training wheels like a dog in the Texas summer.  Even Doobs is getting in on the action...

It all happens so fast!  I can't believe I have a FIVE year old!  And that Doobs will be THREE in less than a month....geez.  That is what has drawn me back to this bloggin business.  You can't possibly remember all the cuteness that happens.  All the funny things that fly out of their mouths. ALL the sweet moments when they say "thank you mommy for this wonderful dinner you made.  I know you worked really  hard on it."  And five year old actually said that to me the other day at the dinner table.  She also told me she loved everything about me because I am her mommy.  Talk about melting my heart!  Of course she asked for a chocolate chip cookie directly after...but hey...she knows what makes me happy :)

Anywho...I am back and ready to document all the cuteness coming our way.  I am sure I will document some not so cute things along the way also....but that's just life.  It is hard not to have a pretty darn perfect day with these two super heroes on my side though!    Keep rockin' it peeps!