December 19, 2012

"Ketchup"...Turkey Day and Kiddie Tables...

Well...hello again.  It has been a few months since I have updated you on this sweet lil' I thought it was time to ketchup.

Ella Mae had her typical "culde crew" showing of peeps to celebrate her actual Halloween B-day with her...Ruby Doobs went as an Olympic Gold Medalist as Ella Mae did on her first B-day.  I am sure there will be many repeats of costumes as the years roll on....

Our future Special Olympian!!

Although I am not sure Ella Mae's "Spidey-Girl" costume or her "Super Hero" costume ,as she calls it, will make it to Ruby in the future.  She seriously has been wearing that thing everyday since then. I mean literally. And it is almost Christmas.

Culde Crew preparing for take-off....

Here we gooooo!!!!

Nice sunflower...

Doobs deciding she wants to hug her friend...

And then take her on a quick stroll...

Overall our trick or treating adventure was a success.  No major scares, scrapes or wardrobe malfunctions...only crazy candy highs!

Now moving on to Turkey Day...we have sooo many things to be thankful for...

Football watching...

great neighbors to spend the day with...

Great neighbors who cook great food...

A Thanksgiving day cocktail is nice too...

But one of the coolest things this year I am thankful for?  Doobs is rockin' the Kiddie Table....

It seems like maybe a weird thing to be thankful for among so many other blessed and cool things we have in our lives...but with each passing day, month, year...these little steps...these things that I wondered  when she was will life be for her? for us?

Check it out for yourselves...

Doobs rockin it at the "Big Girl Kiddie Table"

Someday she will no doubt join us at the "Big Peeps Table"...but for now she has to keep these two crazy ladies in check!