March 21, 2012

Happy World Down Syndrome Day Ya'll!!!

Well...I made it!  Twenty-one straight days of trying to build awareness  to how cool our pip-squeaks are with their rockin' extra chromosome!  Twenty-one days of sharing how wonderful our life is with our perfect lil lady in I could not imagine her any other way!  Sharing all of this over the past three weeks has taken me back quite a few times to Ruby's birth...that wonderful, crazy, amazing I thought it only fitting to share it again today...Happy World Down Syndrome Day Ya'll!!!!

Here goes nothin' !

So I have been yippin' to the hubby about starting this blog, not because I think I have anything too terribly important to put out there, but I find my family extremely inspiring and hilarious, my favorite past time is chatting about them to anyone who will here goes nothin'!

First a lil' background on my "Sweet Littles"....

 I always had pets and could not imagine loving anything more than my first pooch Baker. I think a few of my friends thought me getting a dog would be a bit disaterous, but the love I felt was infectious, and from that moment I knew I wanted kiddos of the two legged variety someday.  I was addicted to the unconditional love I felt from  her and could not wait to start a family and hopefully give that same feeling to another lil' person!  Enter....hubby.  Well, at the time we met I had no idea we would be where we are today.  He was a punk surfer kid, friends with my neighbor, who loved to ruffle my feathers and attempt to beat me at various games...pinball, horseshoes, slip n' slide wiffle ball.  Little did I know that summer in San Diego would change my heart and my life so dramatically.

We married a few years later and not too long after that found out we had a bun in the oven.  Such exciting times!  Of course we have no self control and shouted it to the rooftops..only to miscarry at 11weeks.  It was a devistating feeling because until then I had felt pretty invinsible.  People always say things happen for a reason, although I hate it when people say it to you when the "thing" is happening, I do believe it and feel these life experiences make us better human beings, better friends, wives, mothers.  I will talk alot about taking things for granted, and I think this was my first glimpse of trying not to do so.  You never think these types of things will happen to you...and then they they ever!

My pregnancy with my first daughter Ella Mae, was morning sickness, not too much back pain. My only complaints were heartburn and my feet gained a full size!  What's up with that??  I didn't have a huge shoe collection to begin with, and then all of the sudden none of them fit.  I felt kinda like Fred Flintstone...but I am not complaining, it could have been worse.  Anywho..she was a full two weeks late, we had a beautiful birth at a birthing center, they plopped her on my chest and she never left my side. (could be why she still doesnt sleep through the night and we here the pitter pats to our room in the darkness.  Ha!!)  She is this crazy athletic, energetic two year old with these big blue eyes that are engrained in my heart.  I thought I knew what love was when I first looked into Baker's lil' eyes and felt that wet nose on my cheek....but I had NO idea.  Not that my love for her was not real, but the intense connection I felt with my daughter the moment I held her in my arms was no comparison.

After Ella's birth I knew I wanted another one.  It is true what they forget the pains of child birth the instant they place that" little" in your arms.  My hubby laughs cuz I always say that her birth "wasn't that bad" and he certainly remembers a different oppinion I may have given midway through labor.  But nonetheless..I was ready for another.  Little did I know how much our next pipsqueak would rock our world!

This is where the whole "taking things for granted" thing comes into play again.  My pregnancy with Ella Mae went smooth with no major issues as I said, so I just assumed that's how this pregnancy would go.  Everything seemed to be going beautifully..we did the 20 week ultrasound in 3D and she looked just like her big sis in the pictures.  It was un-canny!  It was only until I was getting further along that I noticed differences.  I never really felt like I was getting bigger and she didn't move quite as much as I had remembered Ella Mae moving around.  I would mention it to people and they would say "everything is fine..all pregnancies are different" or " maybe she is balled up tight".  My mid-wife at 34 weeks said I measured small, but didnt' seem too concerned until at my 36 week appt I had not gotten any bigger.  You can imagine the horror I felt as she said I needed to go to their neo-natel specailist Dr right away.  I just kept thinking "she's OK...everything will be OK..It just has to be."  The Dr. confirmed she was an itty-bitty and wasn't growing in my belly, and from his office I was to go home and pack my bags and we were gonna have this lil' lady today or tomorrow.  He was so calm and matter-of-fact about everything, reassuring me that she was fine, just small, my body wasn't giving her the nutrients she needed to grow so we had to get her out so she could grow outside my belly.  I could not believe this was happening!  How could my body have failed her?  As a mother, you put all the blame on yourself.  It is a horrible feeling and it is hard not to, as you are the one and only person (minus the one swimmer from the hubby) this baby has relied on since conception. Ruby was born the next day via C-section.  Her birth was the complete oppostite of anything I had known with Ella Mae, but still just as beautiful because what I got out of it was my sweet lil' Ruby Doobs (there are many nicknames to come)!

I had only seen my sweet Ruby's face for 5 seconds and kiss her tiny cheek once before the neo-natel team wisked her away, and my hubby to follow.  I lay there in the cold room just thinking..."What the heck is taking so long??  Just stuff everything back in and sew me up so I can get to my baby!!"  It seemed like an eternity, but finally they wheeled me into a recovery room where my body was shaking and teeth were chattering so loud I could barely concentrate on what my hubby was saying.  "She's doing good..She squeezed my finger...breathing on her own.."  Dangit!!  My body is failing me again and not allowing me to get up and run down the hall to hold her!!  I can barely even hear above the chattering of my own teeth!  And then the moment that rocked our world...In ones lifetime I think every experience brings you to where you are today, but certain ones define who you are as a human being. For me, I think all my life-learning experiences were preparing me for this one moment...luckily I have had lots of them, so I think I was ready...

Ruby's Doctor, one we had not met yet, comes into the recovery room and is telling us the details of her medical needs..she will more than likely be in the NICU for a few weeks...she is on oxygen to help her, altthough her lungs are good..yada yada yada.  At this point I am physically holding my jaw closed to stop the chattering so I can try and hear what he is saying.  And then he says without warning, "She has several soft signs of Down Syndrome"  and proceeds to go over them...large gap between big toe, space between thumb and index finger, low muscle tone, ears slightly low.  He goes on to say they are pretty sure but are going to send off the chromosome testing and we will know in about a week.  "OK" he says.. and just walks off.  WOW!!  My hubby looks down at me and says "did that conversation just happen?"  I wonder now through this experience if Doctors become numb to the fact that they are "rocking your world"..but I guess there may not be a "right way" as everyone is different and what might be the "right way" for one is not for the next guy.

I am lucky in the fact that my hubby and I are one in the same, for the most part, when it comes to dealing with life situations.  To us, there is one way to go...forward.  We both process for a few minutes...and then all I can think about is holding my sweet baby girl and kissing those tiny cheeks again!  As soon as I can feel my legs move I insist that the nurse put me in a wheel chair and roll me down to the NICU.  On my way there I have a looming I going to be able to give her everything she needs to grow and be all she can be?  Can I rise to the challenge of loving her in the way she deserves?  I had been around only a few children with disabilities before,so was unsure of the road ahead and what it meant to have a child with special needs.  When I got to the NICU and saw my new beauty..she had an oxygen mask on, tubes everywhere, so it was quite the ordeal to get her in my arms..I knew. 

I knew she was strong. I knew she would teach me and guide us, give us the strength we needed to be the parents she needed.  I knew that extra chromosome was no mistake..she was perfect in every way.  She was special, not because she had Down Syndrome, but because she was our wonderful lil' lady that posessed the best parts of both me and my hubby in that extra chromosome.  I knew then our journey ahead might be different then we had planned, but life is beautiful..and at the end of the day I get to kiss the sweet cheeks of my wonderful ladies, not to mention my hubby.  So if you feel like your world has been rocked...I say "Rock on Peeps!"

March 20, 2012

Almost there.....

So tomorrow is the big day to celebrate the awesomeness of that extra special chromosome...although we celebrate it everyday around here.  I am almost to my goal of 21 days... flappin' my gums and bloggin' daily so peeps could get a sneak peek into life with a pip-squeak like my Ruber Doobs.  She is pretty stinkin' cool....and she is almost to her goal.....



                                        She gets so proud of herself and has to stop to applaud....

Or it could be the hubby and I that are with all things "Doobers"...we find it hard to contain our excitement, not just at the thought of her crawling..gaining a little independence.  Excited for her see what she is made of... what does she want to be when she grows up?  What will she enjoy doing?  Who will her amazing lil' spirit touch??  Well...whoever it touches will no doubt see the world through a much broader, clearer lens. They will appreciate all the little things...the things we sometimes take for granted.  She will open their heart in a way they never thought possible.  Just with one little smile....she is contagious.  Once you get a lil' piece of that will be addicted to the way she makes you feel!   Tomorrow is World Down Syndrome Day.  A day to celebrate the lives of people with that extra special celebrate the love they bring to our crazy world.  My Daughter is so unbelievably beautiful...her life is precious....and I hope next time you see someone like my sweet, perfect Ruby give them a big ol' hug.

And wouldn't it be cool if tomorrow, on World Down Syndrome Day, I could report that Ruby was cruising??  I mean...she's got to keep up with this one.............

                              Celebrate the wonderfulness in all our rockin' chromosomes peeps!!!!

                                                    Happy World Down Syndrome Day!!!

March 19, 2012

Day Nineteen....

Well... I am sure you guys are quite sick of me chatting everyday about my sweet lil family.  Only three more days to go until World Down Syndrome Day and I will  have reached my daily "challenge" of spreading the word about Ruby Doobs extra chromosome and it's "coolness" factor...although it really isn't a challenge for me to chat about my ladies!  What is challenged at the moment are my muscles after starting to workout after a 5 year  hiatus...that goes under the what was I thinking? category...Ha!!  I wonder if the Doobs gets sore after her many therapy sessions each week?  She is such a trooper and is so close to having the independence that comes with mobility...I can see it in that sweet lil face...such determination.  So I am suddenly not so sore when I think how hard she is working....always.

We went to the Children's Museum yesterday.  It was quite fun...Ella Mae tried to school the Doobs in the ways of the Choo-Choo Train..........

Conductor Ella Mae
She is just followin' in her mama's footsteps...I used to drive the train that goes around Zilker Park...HA!!!  One day she will look at me like I am the coolest person in the world....and then she will turn into a teenager.

                                                           What's cooler than Ella Mae???

                                                            Lots of Ella Mae's     :)

                                                       Luv to the homey's!!  PEACE OUT!!

March 18, 2012

Daddy's Girl.........'s official.  If we didn't know already that Ruby Doobs was a daddy's girl...the proof is in the pudding...or should I say beer............


She stared at that Lone Star ,which she has seen her daddy drink on occasion, like it was the next big thing.  It sometimes is to her daddy...Ha!!  For a minute there I thought she was gonna read the can out loud....Lone was wishful thinkin' on my part.  She had something else in mind...

No beverages were consumed during the making of this blog!!! (By baby anyway!)

Girl loves to eat too, so I guess she is a bit of a mama's girl as well.....

It's ok though...our lil' Ruber Doobs has enough love to go around. She loves on her mama, her daddy, sister, G-parents and friends and still  has the time and energy to hug and love on her some barbie...

Big hugs is her new favorite thing (or maybe it's mommy's)...she squeezes them tight and rocks back and forth while smiling and patting whatever the lucky object is.  When I ask her for a hug she doesn't mess around either...she throws her entire body at me and just relaxes into me like a big, soft pillow...letting me squeeze her tight and rock her back and forth.  I realize now where she gets her "huggin' form" from, and if I was to rate her on a scale of one to ten her score would definitely be in the twenties (and that's not just her mama talkin')....I have to say, hugs are pretty important things.  You can learn alot about a person just with that first hug...............

gettin a little hug practice..

Certainly not a first hug for these two...but you know what they say.... practice makes perfect!!

                                                                 Hugs to the homey's!!                            

March 17, 2012

Lucky lady...

I certainly don't need it to be St. Patty's day to realize that I am one lucky lady.  I mean..look at the odds of me scoring an amazing pip-squeak like Ruby Doobs.  It really is like winning the baby lotto! My co-worker (and friend) told me she had been looking for a four leaf clover all her a kid she would spend endless hours looking through fields of clovers...till one day, not too long ago...she was walking her dog...and guess what??  She found one...the perfect four leaf clover...just waiting there to be picked.  Just like Doobs.  I didn't know I was waiting to pick her my whole perfect lil four leaf clover...but man...I am one freakin' lucky lady!!

One thing I have never been lacking of is being surrounded by peeps that genuinely love me...don't get me wrong, there has been a bad apple or two...I know we all have our stories...but if there were never a few 'bad apples' thrown in there, I don't think we would appreciate the good, tasty ones as much.   I know my girls will no doubt get a taste of both..but while they are on mama's watch..........

Culde crew in the hoouuse!!!

Our culde sac is pretty darn cool.  I mean..the kiddos scream from one end to the other if they see a friend in their yard and proceed to run and meet in the middle for a big hug. pretty darn cute.  There is even the occasional "make out" session.....

Julia going in for a smackaroonie with the Doobs

We all sit around and enjoy each other kiddos in the big, warm, safe place that is the culde....

We went to see some live tunes today...I think Doobs was diggin' the music with the 'new ears'....swayin' and 'singin' to the music.  And Ella Mae had quite the dance party with her crew...

Ain't no party like a dance party!!!
Dance party pit-stop...

Doobers puttin' on some fancy jewlery..
 On a sad note..G-ma and G-pa left this morning.  I know and realize it is rare for one to say they hate to see the in-laws drive away....but again..I am one lucky lady. 

                           Happy Saint Patrick's Day Peeps!!  What makes you feel lucky??

March 16, 2012

Back yard fun...

We have been livin' in the back yard this week cuz the hubby and G-pa have been doin' some springtime cleaning up of the trees.  I think the girls are enjoying the back yard time...what do ya think??


                                            Doobs is thinkin' about her next artistic creation............

Hmmmm....should I draw a ball...or a ball??

And....front yard culde time is pretty fun too...the Rubinator is lovin' her push car.  We chase Ella Mae around the culde-sac with Ella yelling ..."Red!  Green!  Stop!  Orange (I think that means slow down)..."  Ruby giggles the entire time we swoop back and forth through the culde.  Mommy gets a bit of a work-out as well....and I have found that making quick turns is quite the core workout for the Doobs also....of course I had to make a make-shift seat belt with one of Bogarts old dog collars to make sure she doesn't go flyin' out..I mean, that thing corners like it is on rails! RIP big are still lookin' out for my lil' ladies....just now it's from doggie heaven....

Happy Friday Ya'll!!!!

March 15, 2012


So the hubby and I fell in love over a shuffle board table in SD, so it seems only fit we found  our way to a dive bar called the 'Giddy Up' playing a very competative game of shuffleboard after our 'early 5th anniversary' dinner. We took advantage of the in-laws being here and flew the coop for the evening to use a gift card we got from my wonderful Aunt as a X-mas present...also fitting cuz my hubby used a coupon on our first may sound a bit cheap to the average Joe, but that is when I knew it was the real wasn't about fancy dinners or fake conversations..we were who we were....we liked each other for exactly who we were, and we just wanted to spend time together....It is that same way today, 8 years later, two amazing pip-squeaks later.  We just enjoy each others company. period.

This shuffleboard table though, I have to say, was one of the most unpredictable tables I have ever played on.  It got me thinking how it kind of represents my life with my kiddos.  I could use the exact same resistance every time, and the puck would end up in a different place each time....sometimes flying off the end landing so hard against the back of the table the entire bar would turn and look...and then other would get caught up in the in the sand and stop dead in it's tracks halfway...

The Hubby and I want so badly to give the Doobers all the right opportunities...give her all the skills she needs to be independent, to grow and flourish.  I drive myself crazy wondering if I am giving her all that she needs... I sometimes have to stop myself and realize that she is an individual, and some days no matter how hard I try...she is gonna get stuck in the sand...and the next day, with that same gentle nudge...she goes flyin' off the dang shuffleboard table....out into this great big world...

There is absolutley no doubt in my mind that Ruby will do amazing things...change people's hearts and minds for the better...she already I think I need to just sit back and relax...let the Doobers take the wheel...and enjoy the sandy, unpredictable  shuffleboard table of life.  I have to is really quite fun considering I kicked the hubby's butt..ok..truth be told..we each won a game....but I kicked his butt harder than he kicked mine  :)

Only 6 more days until World Down Syndrome Day and I will stop flappin my gums on a daily basis about the coolness of the Doobs..........Have a rockin' Thursday peeps!!!

March 14, 2012

Short, silly and sweet.... good thing (among lots of good things) that is nice when G-ma and G-pa are in town.....DATE NIGHT!!!   WOOO!! HOOO!!  So this is gonna be short, sweet and silly cuz I gotta date with a handsome fella............So this is the short part.  This is the silly........

and this is the sweet............

 Told ya he was handsome.......Five years of wedded bliss and two pretty perfect pipsqueaks....gotta run!!!

March 13, 2012

A lil' bit of crawling...and a new "do"

So I think I nailed it on the head when I said that G-ma and G-pa would see the lil' Doobers first didn't last very long....but she sure did it!!  And she was soooo proud of herself...she was definitely putting her new clapping skills to good use........

I have been chatting so much about Ruber Doobs to build awareness on the extra chromosome 'coolness' factor...I haven't really chatted much about our other cool kid... who just got her first hair cut..lots of firsts with the G-parents this trip!!  I have been scared to cut it because I was so afraid the last little ringlets would go away... I have been holding on to those little ringlets like I have been trying to hold on to her toddlerhood...but was time for me to grow up...and let her grow up.....

With G-ma and her old ringlets....

She picked the bubblegum wash...

She marched right in there like a champ...holding my hand the entire way....and you know what??

Some of her lil' ringlets stayed...just enough that I don't have to quite let go of them steps....

               And in the end a little fairy dust makes it all better :)  Happy Tuesday peeps!!!!!!

March 12, 2012

A Charmed Life.......

I have used this title before, but am using it again because it is truly something I think to myself everyday.  One peeking in on my life might not quite 'get it'...I mean...we aren't millionaires...not even one hundred thousandaires...we have a daughter with special needs...we rarely get out to do the "typical" fun things.  To those people I say....look a little closer.

When Doobers was first born I think  some people didn't know how to handle the news or what to say...I would get the occasional "I'm sorry.."  I would think to myself...Please don't feel sorry for me....I wanted to shout it to the rooftops that we were OK...and we were definitely OK with her extra special chromosome.  OK with all that it brings with it. Cuz with everything we work with her makes that triumph all the sweeter.  I am so proud of how hard she works...  Don't get me wrong..there are days when I have asked her..why the heck won't you sleep?...and the occasional ...why are you still crying?...and the ever so annoying...really??  another doody???  But that is with any pip-squeak...I mean..I just put her older sister in time-out three times yesterday (only cuz the hubby was watching and he says I have no follow-through...Ha! I'll show him my inconsistent follow through!! )  I guess my point is...happiness is what you make of is a choice I choose everyday..I don't choose the things that happen to me breakin' down, pip-squeak in the hospital,  Ella Mae's refusal to poop in the potty.  What I choose is to be any situation...and I have to say, my lil' ladies make it pretty darn easy.....the joy our lil' Ruber Doobers brought us the second she came out of my belly........

                                     She was the perfect lil' life..for our perfect lil' family.........

She has done nothing but inspire, bring warmth...light up the room...any room...since the day she was born.  

And let's not forget the other two that add to the craziness I call happiness...the hubby and his kiddo double...Superwoman

Sooo..don't worry about me...I am rockin' this charmed life....just as hard as Ruby is rockin' her extra chromosome...a charmed life indeed!!!!  

Check out this World Down Syndrome Day video...You might see a sweet lil' family you know and love in there...       

They asked us what we would go back in time and tell ourselves when we first learned our kiddo had Down syndrome...this is what we said....

                                                                     Rock on peeps.........

March 11, 2012

G-ma and G-pa in the HOOUUSE!!

So the in-laws are in town..they drove all night in a torrential downpour all the way from Michigan to get here. Not many can say this..but I adore my in-laws.  They look at my girls the way I look at them..because they are little pieces of them also.  They have those 'googly' unconditional,crazy love eyes like my hubby and I always know when G-ma has been in the house cuz.........

Rubster gettin' crowned 'Princess'

                      the new princess gear arrives!!  And man... this batch catches some great air.......

Luckily, the blue skies came out once they got here and we had a fun afternoon in the culde.  Ella Mae and her BFF in the culde, who I should really just call an honorary sister cuz they fight like sisters half the time..and the other half..............

kinda looks like a Norman Rockwell...don't ya think?

safety first ladies!!

together in harmony..for now....

they get along like bread and butter....laughing and sharing...strapping their 'lovies' in Doobers car with Bogart's old dog collar.  Ella Mae still remembers the big buddy and told us the other day that Bogart peeked out from the clouds and gave her the bracelet she was wearing...I love that she remembers him and talks about him like he is just kickin' it in the sky...  they  would swoop in from the culde for the occasional chat with Doobs......

Doobs with her big sis and  honorary sis

I am not sure if you noticed...but that is a full on clap goin' on in the pic above!  Yep...Doobs is a clappin' fool these days...It is quite the addition to her "queen" wave..or should I say princess wave??  Anywho...we are lookin' forward to a G-ma and G-pa filled week...and are hoping they will get to see the Rubinator crawl for the first time.  Stay tuned..........................

March 9, 2012

Day NINE!!

Doobs is on the verge of crawling...and not just "scooting" on her tummy.  I am thinking more and more the Doobs may be a perfectionist at heart....waiting only until she can do it perfectly, and then showing us what she is made of. It seems like such a little thing, but having good form can effect her fine motor skills in the future...building that upper body strength so she can write, that lil' artist we know is in there. More importantly, so she can play barbies with her big sis...

Bathing suit barbie, bathing suit Ken and Tuxedo Ken havin' a dance party....

How is she ever going to get those tiny barbie shoes on if she doesn't build her upper body strength? I mean...I have trouble with those things!  Personally, I think she is watching her big sis and thinking...geez...I better get my act together or I will never be able to kick her 'booty' at softball..or dance party in the living room...I have a feeling Doobs will be kickin' lots of "booty" in her lifetime....and sister will be there cheering her on the entire way :)

12 more days until World Down Syndrome Day and I can go back to being a 'once a month' blogger!! Although I quite enjoy sharing the 'coolness' of Doobers extra chromosome on a daily basis...I just might have to kick it up a notch....Rock on Peeps!!

March 8, 2012


Normal is a cycle on a washing machine...I am stealing this from another mommy cuz I love it and I am about to fall asleep while typing......

                                 I hope neither of my lil' ladies is ever put in that load of laundry!!

March 7, 2012

Fire, Ice and the "R" word...

There is no denying Ella Mae is this electric (evidence in the pic below), crazy athletic..and just down right crazy force to be reckoned with....

And Doobs ...sweet lil Ruby as cool as a cucumber.  She loves to be loved....and is content as can be just hangin' with you....swingin' and "high five-in" you till the cows come home..

High five dude!

Doobs is still rockin' a lil' lunch on her face..
But as different as they are...neither is better or worse...I wouldn't change one single thing about them.  They are individuals, deserving of love and respect, lil' human beings that my hubby and I created...I grew them in my belly... and I will love and nuture them till the day I die.  Some people would use the "R" word to describe my sweet Ruby Doobs...some people use the "R" word in passing, as a joke, or even to describe themselves.  I will tell you is a hurtful word.  She will no doubt have lots of obsticals and tough roads ahead of her, people that can't see past her extra chromosome...if you could do one simple thing to help make her road a little smoother..wouldn't you??  Next time you may think to use that ugly word...think of Ruby's beautiful face....all the sweet, strong, capable faces of these amazing, wonderful peeps....and just replace it with the word "RIDICULOUS!"  Cuz it is pretty ridiculous how deserving all of us are of a little respect and dignity in this big world of ours!  Rock on Peeps...spread the word...the "R" word is out!!

Pretty ridiculous..isn't it??

                                                                   Peace out homey's!!!!