March 7, 2012

Fire, Ice and the "R" word...

There is no denying Ella Mae is this electric (evidence in the pic below), crazy athletic..and just down right crazy force to be reckoned with....

And Doobs ...sweet lil Ruby as cool as a cucumber.  She loves to be loved....and is content as can be just hangin' with you....swingin' and "high five-in" you till the cows come home..

High five dude!

Doobs is still rockin' a lil' lunch on her face..
But as different as they are...neither is better or worse...I wouldn't change one single thing about them.  They are individuals, deserving of love and respect, lil' human beings that my hubby and I created...I grew them in my belly... and I will love and nuture them till the day I die.  Some people would use the "R" word to describe my sweet Ruby Doobs...some people use the "R" word in passing, as a joke, or even to describe themselves.  I will tell you is a hurtful word.  She will no doubt have lots of obsticals and tough roads ahead of her, people that can't see past her extra chromosome...if you could do one simple thing to help make her road a little smoother..wouldn't you??  Next time you may think to use that ugly word...think of Ruby's beautiful face....all the sweet, strong, capable faces of these amazing, wonderful peeps....and just replace it with the word "RIDICULOUS!"  Cuz it is pretty ridiculous how deserving all of us are of a little respect and dignity in this big world of ours!  Rock on Peeps...spread the word...the "R" word is out!!

Pretty ridiculous..isn't it??

                                                                   Peace out homey's!!!!


  1. I'm loving your posts. I've also been meaning to tell you, I love your attitude!! Your enthusiasm makes me feel good and also makes me feel like I'm not crazy to be happy and actually, dare I say it, kind of glad/excited that Pearl has Down many other parents of kids with Ds seem so down about it that I was thinking I must be in denial or something, till Erik and I talked to you. What a breath of fresh air! Thank you for the wonderful positivity!! And yes, you're right, Doobs is rockin' her extra chromosome. :)

    1. Thanks Lady!! I am with you on that one...I am excited for the future of our girls :) Doobs has already 'schooled' me in the ways of the world and I can't wait to see what else she has up her sleeve....we should get the ladies together soon!
